Resources and Education

Self Help Units
You are on this page because you want help. This section contains all of the Self Help Units that will aid your understanding and recovery from sexual addiction.

Other Groups
There are many different addiction based help groups in the UK and other countries. I have included those that have been of direct use to me through my own recovery.

Our Stories
This section contains all personal accounts that Fellowship members wish to share with others in the group. The stories are true and often painful to write. But they help others...
The aim of this section is to slowly build a library of relevant external sources that can be of use to members of the Fellowship. As addicts we face different challenges in our personal battles against temptation and sin. Our triggers and sexual preferences vary considerably but in one area we remain the same – our inability to stop. Each of us share a common feeling of ‘self loathing’ and despise the monster we feel we have become / or once were. This is IMPAIRED THINKING and will be challenged by the Fellowship.
We each have different crosses but must remain united in our desire to overcome them. I implore you never to make judgements on others because you do not understand their particular sexual addiction. It is enough that we all fear the judgement of our peers in society. We should never have to fear the judgements of our fellow members.
Some of the topics or subjects in this section may not be relevant to your addiction – so don’t open them. If your addiction is not covered and you want information or you have material you want included then submit a contact form to SA James. Men of Hope are always seeking new sources and personal accounts that may broaden our ability to reach new members. This section can only be as good as the contributions you make…
And finally…
Never underestimate the power of addiction. Never tell yourself that you are a ‘porn addict’ only…as if that made you a little better than someone else. The majority of Fellowship members started with small amounts of low level pornography – it felt controllable. Years later, some of the same members are facing massive escalations of both the type and degree of pornography usage. Addiction is a virus and it spreads if you do not take control AND if you do not understand how it works.
This section is under construction but will only ever be as good as the contributions made. This is a crucial aspect of your Stage 3 recovery…