News and the law

Fellowship Newsletter 2

Fellowship Newsletter – 7 June 2018
Many apologies for things going quiet but I have been on retreat in sunny Stronsay with my wife.  Lovely mornings walking on the coastline looking at the seals and seabirds…
I have also been able to consult with Father Nicholas about the future of the Fellowship and in particular – a going live date.  As you will all be aware the group has been run on a password basis to provide an opportunity to establish the basic operational processes and gain a feel for any benefits of this approach to sexual addiction.  I am happy to announce that due to the enthusiasm you have shown and the comments on some of the later forum posts that it has been agreed to open up the group to new users.  Men of Hope will shortly change from a password only access to a full Membership site.  Hence the numerous reminders I have sent asking for you to establish anonymous email addresses.
This will mean that any user will be able to access certain pages of the site without membership rights.  Initially, I intend to allow open access to the following pages:
  • Home
  • About Us
  • Rosary Crusade
  • Contact Us
Only ‘confirmed’ members will have access to the Forum, Crypt Chat and Resource sections.  They will also have access to certain contact details for other members of the Fellowship – hence the need for fully anonymous emails.  Members will be given contributor status which will allow them to submit articles under their own alias.  I will continue to act as moderator and rules will be posted shortly dealing with this aspect.
There is still a great deal of ‘back end’ work for me to do on the site so please remain patient during the next couple of weeks if you find you can’t get access or are struggling to make contact.  Much more work needs to be done on the dynamics of crypt chat and the effective use of the Self Help Units.  Needless to say everyone will be asked to commence working through them.  Father Nicholas is keen that we establish a cadre of ‘mentors’ who will be able to work with new users via crypt chat and text on a 1:1 basis.  We are still in discussion on who is suitable but be assured I cannot do this alone for very long…
For those of you who already have a suitable email address I will be sending you a password login – hopefully in the next few days.  This will give you the members access you have at present.  You will be able to change your password and modify your ‘members’ info to suit your preferences.  I think you will also be able to insert an image – I would suggest a suitable Saint.  I have decided to use Saint Francis Xavier.
I will also be looking into changing to a secure URL (https) – though I need to look at the costs.  Whilst all this is taking place you will still be able to donate prayers and devotions via the Rosary Crusade page.  I will no longer be ‘guessing’ that you have continued your usual pledges and self denials – instead totals will only be changed IF you use the correct submission process.  To this end I am extremely thankful to Benedict for his regular use of this page.  If it does anything at all it makes you log on to the site and reminds you of the benefits of staying free from pornography.
Anyway – enough of this for now.  The go live date has been set as:
Friday 8 June 2018 – Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus



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