News and the law

Fellowship Newsletter 1

Fellowship Newsletter – 6th May 2018
It is a warm Sunday morning and I have been overjoyed with the increased level of participation and trust shown by our small Fellowship of men. Having just viewed the Emails you have sent me I felt it may be the right time to start sharing a little of the wisdom you are passing on.  You are each making such good use of the many tools imparted to us by Our Lord that I feel it would be unfair to keep it all to myself!
I also feel it is helpful to update the group on the current struggles we are facing.  The Fellowship is fighting a campaign against the devil and his ‘horde of tempters’ and it will be won by concentrating on each of the smaller battles in turn.  I do not intend to divulge any personal information, however, where it is appropriate I do want to enlist support by highlighting those who are under siege and in need of reinforcement.
I would encourage each of you to contribute via the comments and update us all on your current position in the war against temptation.  We must call out for help when our turn comes!  I have now run 4 crypt chat meetings and recognise the need to facilitate better ‘flow’ with mobile phone usage being more prevalent.  I will be writing a proposal article for the use of crypt chat, mentors and Self Help Units soon.  This will be consultative and I hope will encourage much debate on the site…
Finally, this site is now approved in the UK and will soon become a membership based group.  This will allow me to keep the majority of the site unavailable to non-members but still give the opportunity for potential new users to view some of the pages without a password – in particular the Rosary Crusade.  They will not have access or sight of any Forum articles / Personal pages.  To this end, some of you have now set up your alias Email addresses – but a few still need to….please do this if you can.

Our Members

I am continuing to fight hard against impure thoughts and desires to cross dress.  Recently I purchased some ‘items’ but resisted and returned them to the store several days later.  My head is often filled with old impure images that I have viewed in the past – I just keep saying the rosary and imagine my hand delivering another blow to Our Lord’s body.  I often find that your Emails give me strength when I need it most – Thank you.  I still need to learn to ask for your help when in trouble…not after. (Pride!!!)
I have been expanding a number of my hobbies to decrease the chances of boredom.  I spend many hours in the garden developing my business venture and have had the opportunity to sell some of my produce.  When I can’t get outside I write articles and follow my prayer routine.  I have also increased my spiritual reading and am in the middle of the Confessions of Saint Augustine – truly a role model to this Fellowship.  I recognise I still need to find another activity so am resuming an old childhood hobby of plastic model kit making. (I used to be quite good)
DV (deus vult):
He is continuing to fight hard against the affects of medications prescribed for his conditions.  He has been fighting continually but remains optimistic that despite his falls he can prevail – in the end.  It may even be that Father Nicholas has persuaded him to join him on his island fortress in Orkney!  He has established a solid prayer regime and I look forward to hearing about some of the other activities he has employed to remain ‘distracted’…
He has sent a warm thanks to the Fellowship for the prayers and offerings given so recently when things looked so dark to him.  He is now back in regular contact with me.  He has also sent a number of inspiring quotes relating to the power of the Rosary.  In particular, relating to the words of Saint Louis De Montfort. (More of that from him – soon?)
He asks us to check out the prayers of the Auxiliam Christianorum (protection prayers to be said daily). He asked Fr. Nicholas about them and was told it’s alright to give them a try – thought they might be useful for us in the fight against the evil one & the vice of impurity. (
He has started the First Five Saturdays and continues his daily prayer offerings for Men of Hope.
He is probably unaware of how much his contributions to the site (comments) have helped keep me going.  I know that we all help in our own ways but for me it has been ‘soul saving’ having his assistance and responses to my articles.  He too, like everyone else, is offering regular daily offerings for Men of Hope and he is doing this via the Rosary Crusade page, showing that the system does work.  His infectious enthusiasm for the Month of May and the Militia Immaculatae is inspiring and I know you all recognise the importance of Our Blessed Mother during this time in particular.
He has raised some valid points about the deception of pornography and how it causes us to devalue women and sexual practices.  I have asked him to write an article on this point – it is a real problem area for men facing pornography addiction and their expectations of ‘real’ women. (No pressure Benedict).  He has also demonstrated that addictions can be beaten and are ‘not for ever’.  I will let him comment further on this if he wishes…
He has been praying daily for everyone and keeps in regular Email contact.  His location puts him a number of time zones away and makes coordinated crypt chat difficult. He has been open about his fight against addiction and has talked to me of one of his ‘triggers’.  He makes use of the imagery of the Precious Blood of Jesus and values the humility aspect of God becoming man.  An excellent weapon against the devil!
He has raised a valid point about reparation for sins of impurity.  If a sin has cost you something then consider giving the financial equivalent back to the Church. For example:
You spend £10 on a DVD that you know has pornographic aspects to it or it contains material that you knew would be used for sexual gratification then you should consider donating a similar sum to the church in reparation.
He is still looking to find a spiritual director.
He has been fighting hard with several issues that make him feel hypocritical going to Mass.  His efforts have been immense and I have been lucky enough to speak with him during crypt chats.  He has also made use of the SA (Sexaholics Anonymous) group and was a part of Father Nicholas’s original ‘working group’ for this Fellowship.  He has been silent for nearly three weeks and I have fears for him.  Please pray hard for success in his current battle.
Thank you all again for your hard work and prayer donations.  I look forward to your contributions and ideas for the better development of this site.  Let us all look forward to doing God’s will and saving souls in the process…especially our own!
Yours in Jesus, Mary & Joseph
SA James

6 thoughts on “Fellowship Newsletter 1”

  1. So we have a fellowship of the ring: Gandalf, Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas and Gimli (I can be him because of his beard and by appearance). We are still waiting for Hobbits.

  2. I hate to think who that will make me! If I had a choice it would have to be Gandalf because I might be sporting a little bit of grey hair and I’m not far off needing a staff to walk with…

    I wonder if Father Nicholas would agree to be a hobbit?

  3. Quick update from two of the Fellowship. Benedict has started the 54 day Pompei Rosary Novena for Men of Hope and Joseph will be visiting Our Lady of Guadalupe and offering up a Rosary for us. Please wish them well in their endeavours and Joseph asks that we pray to keep him safe in Mexico.

  4. Thank you Benedict, Joseph and others for your prayers, much appreciated!
    Will pray a chaplet of Mercy for your safety in Mexico, Joseph.
    I’ve now got a spiritual director for m.o.h.

  5. DV (deus vult)

    Hi all, first time commenting on the website, I would like to say thanks to all members for their continual prayers for me, very much appreciated.

    Benedict thank you for including me in your 54 day rosary miracle novena, God bless you.

    I have been praying for members since I first joined, back when I visited Fr. Nicholas. I will pray to St. Michael, St. Christopher & St. Benedict for a safe journey/pilgrimage & return to/from Our Lady of Guadalupe’s Shrine.

    I intend to do a 9 day Holy Face Novena for all of us, soon & continual prayers of the rosary, divine mercy chaplet each day, among other prayers.

    I have been particularly struggling with purity lately, any extra prayers would be very much appreciated, thank you & God bless all of you.

  6. DV, welcome, your prayers are much appreciated! I’ll include you today in chaplet of the Holy Ghost.

    Dear All, another good way I’ve found regarding the use of our eyes, is meditating occasionally & briefly before [or after] a fall: on the Tears of Blood which Jesus & Mary Wept sorrowfully + lovingly for us.

    Have included everyone in m.o.h. & throughout the world whom are addicted to pornography in my daily five decade Rosary
    (health/time permitting)

    May The Immaculata & Saint Michael The Archangel break our chains… using these very chains with Her Holy Rosary & blessed Sword to shackle The Dragon & his beast. Amen!

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