It may sound disgusting and it may not be an appealing tagline…but it fits!!
Covenant Eyes clearly have this metaphor right in today’s challenge. Pornography is most definitely revolting and yet we enjoy it despite the obvious displeasure it creates. I need not say more.
Next time you thing about pornography just picture your pet dog eating…
My Conclusion:
I think it is enough to say that trying to imagine the worst thing possible, before you commit that sinful act, is the most powerful means to resist. I give you two choices:
Our Lord bleeding on the cross for each sinful thought we permit.
Our pet resorting to eating its own vomit for sustenance.
It may not be appealing, but it is from the Word of God: St Peter [2 Peter 2, 22] says of backsliders: “For, that of the true proverb has happened to them: The dog is returned to his vomit.” And he is in turn quoting the Book of Proverbs [26, 11]: “As a dog that returneth to his vomit, so is the fool that repeateth his folly.” Nearly there with the 40-day challenge, Men of Hope – keep up the good work! God bless, Fr Nicholas