Day 13 – Permission Givers

Another day closer to God?
Sounds like a great start to a post but in truth it reveals more about how bored I feel.  Life can be pretty tedious when you fill it with ‘nothing much’.  Perhaps you are not married, no job, no close family ties, no friends and nothing that keeps you entertained?  Welcome to the world of many!!  This is reality and we must learn to ‘love it’.  God gave us the gift of life…and love in Him.  So how do we see this when we are so entangled by impurity, boredom and/or hate?
Of course our lives are not always tedious and filled with boredom.  But when they are – how do we make ourselves feel good?  How do we excuse the lustful looks we give our neighbour or the jealous thoughts we have for our friends and their ‘good life’.  In truth we don’t.  We just deceive ourselves, blame others or put it all down to bad luck.  That’s why we can fill our days with pornography and/or other sexual addictions.  Life just wasn’t fair to us – so perhaps it is okay to seek pleasure in other ways…

My Conclusion:
You really must take this information from Day 13 on board.  I sinned because I was able to convince myself that it either wasn’t my fault or it wasn’t really a ‘mortal’ sin.  Half truths and deceptions (permission givers) are the tools of the devil and the means by which he enslaves us in sexual addictions.
Understanding your triggers and activations is only half the battle.  Knowing how it is you can still sin despite this knowledge is the key to creating a solution.

Another day closer to Christmas and another opportunity for prayer and devotion.
Yours in Jesus, Mary & Joseph
SA James

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