
Crypt Chat – Session 8

Chat session 8 finally took place!!
Hi Members,
Just a quick message to let you know that I will be running a session tomorrow with Joseph.  If you have the time or wish to discuss some pressing issues then drop me an email and I can give you the password…or arrange to be online at an earlier or later time.
This will be a relatively informal meeting so no problems just ‘dropping in and out’ as you are able.
Yours in Jesus, Mary and Joseph
SA James

2 thoughts on “Crypt Chat – Session 8”

  1. Unfortunately delays in starting and other commitments have meant it is better to cancel this session. Please let me know when you want to rearrange.

  2. A great session that was finally run on 11th May.

    Joseph, you already recognise what is required of you. You just have to do it. The first step is to establish a new routine in relation to the Self Help Units. Force yourself to use them no matter how ‘simple’ they may come across. Be brave and make comments to these posts.

    Be an example to other addicts 🙂

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