
Crypt Chat – Session 11

Happy New Year to the Fellowship,
I thought we could welcome in the New Year with a fairly ‘informal’ Crypt Chat session on Saturday 11th Jan at 1900 (UK).  If you are able and interested then just add a reply to this post so I can be better prepared.
If we get only a few takers then be prepared for me to do some delving into how you have used the Self Help Units and how well you have been managing your addictions.  You know how I run sessions so it would be really worthwhile to prepare your own ‘cut and paste’ text in relation to your ups and downs…
I want this session to also have some ‘brain storming’ on ways to improve the site and ideas for articles.  I really am keen to start putting together some ‘personal accounts’ in areas that I have no knowledge.
So if you can keep a couple of hours clear please join me
Yours in Jesus, Mary & Joseph
SA James


3 thoughts on “Crypt Chat – Session 11”

  1. The session is still set for 7pm tonight. Usual password entries.
    Be prepared 🙂
    I will be on my Email server for anybody wishing to join late and needing a password.

  2. Crypt Chat Debrief:

    Unfortunately Moh was unable to make today and Joseph was struggling with Man Flu.

    However, Joseph did manfully work through 40 minutes of informal interrogation despite my promise of a short chat. Some good experiences shared and the best news for me was hearing how much importance Joseph is now placing on regular prayer and Mass attendance.

    The key point from this session was to develop ‘healthy’ daily habits for the times when you might otherwise seek impure activity. Instead of sin, log in…to Men of Hope and offer up one of the prayers on the Rosary Crusade page. Instead of sin, log in…to Men of Hope and read a blog article. Instead of sin, log in…and write a comment on the contact page expressing your thoughts (good or bad).

    Anytime you take a positive action that stops or even delays a sinful act must be taken as a positive action and one that earns you grace. With grace comes help…

    God just loves someone who just keeps on getting up no matter how many times he is knocked down. So get off your backside 🙂

  3. It was indeed good to be back on crypt chat and I am happy to report that I am still back at mass and have made a habit of saying morning and evening prayers. Small steps but important ones. I suspect, although I cannot be sure, that this is due to the intercession of my recently departed godmother who although not a traditionalist was a practicing Catholic and has never been anything but kind to me over the years since my conversion and reception into the Church.

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