Day 16 – Idols or boredom?

I am really BORED and there is definitely an itch I want to scratch…
So if I act true to my nature I will seek comfort in one of my ‘local idols’.  My first idol is of course pornography, cross dressing is Idol number 2  and perhaps Computer Games – Idol 3.  I have many other ‘local’ idols (TV, Sports, Collecting etc) and all have become substitutes for God in the manner they crave my attention.  As an addict, however, I must surround myself with recreational and vocational distractions – boredom is the one thing I cannot afford to feel when in recovery.
So where is the risk and why call these things Idols?
Yes – most of these are harmless recreational activities and valuable distraction aids.  BUT, we must always be alert to the danger they have to take our minds away from God.  Hobbies are natural and allow us to switch off from some of the stresses of life – they are good.  However, when they start to encroach on other ‘good’ aspects of our lives, they can quickly become bad.  If we find ourselves having to justify our time to ourselves or others, then we may have to recognise there is a problem.  Has our pastime become an Idol???
I know it is nowhere near that simplistic so I do apologise for my ‘sweeping approach’ to this topic.  What I do want to point out though, is how easily we can underestimate the time we put into so many seemingly unimportant activities.  If you have a healthy and balanced life that blends the importance of God, Family, Work & Play then I challenge you to find the desire for sexual addiction.

Today’s challenge is a detailed study that will require your attention and time.  I think the first time I did this lesson I was ‘less interested’ and failed to recognise the gems contained within it.

Reading back over this blog I find myself uncertain what point I was trying to make.  Never a good thing when writing for others!  Then it occurred to me, this ins’t really for others – it is for me.  I had an itch to scratch and I was bored.  Previously, I would have turned to pornography but now I turn to this website.  I am not itching anymore and I stayed free from sexual sin.  I’m also surrounded by people again…
Never stop to itch.  If you cannot get away from the computer then at least stay on this website to avoid dangerous surfing.  You may not want to write anything but feel free to add your views or comments to this blog or any of the others.  As well as being a healthy distraction it may push others into sharing and learning from our experiences.
Yours in Jesus, Mary & Joseph
SA James

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