Boredom Blues

Boredom is the devil’s favourite plaything!
Dear Member,
Hopefully, you have reached that point where the strong cravings for pornography or other sexual pleasures have diminished.  Although you will still have impure thoughts to push away – the actual chemical stimulus produced by your brain has been over written.  What you are now having to battle is the habitual craving formed from years of repetitive sexual behaviours developed since your first ‘sexual attachment’.  This will be discussed in detail during Stage 2 when we look at our formative years.
I have deliberately tried to keep each unit focussed on just one or two aspects of addiction. Each unit is intended to be meditated upon and new behaviour developed from its theme.  However, many of you may already have had to address the subject of today’s topic – boredom…
Please leave any advice or recommendations in the comments section below.  Feedback is definitely appreciated.
Yours in Jesus, Mary & Joseph
Sa James
UNIT 1.3.0 – Boredom Blues

2 thoughts on “Boredom Blues”

  1. We have to keep our children away from boredom. In my experience i know that watching cartoons (too long) or playing Ps4 games are not good idea for children development. In my opinion the best thing what we can do in this times is organize time for them free from all this electronic devices.
    God bless

  2. I agree totally. Although this site is for adults only it certainly helps for us to be aware of the dangers that ALL media possess to our families and friends. There is a true story that is posted in the Personal section from an original member who highlights how our own indescrimate use of the internet affects people close to us in ways we couldn’t imagine or intend.

    I will be looking at a short article on why we should scrupulously look at all our media, listening and general hobbies. Not to suggest restrictions but only asking us to consider ‘why’ we do them and ‘what’ we get from them. Do I watch Game of Thrones because of the incredible plotline…or is it the scantily dressed women and sex scenes? Do I listen to modern pop music because of the catchy tune and ignore the often ‘ungodly’ and impure lyrics…or do I say NO?

    Not easy in this current society – especially when our children can’t be expected to understand why we are taking such hardline stances…when their friends parents don’t! (Some of whom are catholic…)

    Yours in Jesus, Mary & Joseph

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