40 Day Purity Challenge for Lent

On this first Sunday of Lent I thought it appropriate to introduce an excellent purity challenge produced by Covenant Eyes.  I make no apologies for stealing it from them as they happily ask users to share the information.  I am currently on Day 20 and find it very beneficial in understanding my addiction.  I will include the full package on the Covenant Eyes section of the resources page soon.
If you are happy to receive daily direct emails then I suggest you register with them online, as I have, but be aware they are very ‘proactive’!  If you are happier to avoid any direct contact then I will place the entire challenge on this site.  I will update you on key aspects of the challenge through the forum page but will not do it on a ‘day to day’ basis.  The challenge is entirely for you to complete.  I have made some minor alterations in relation to US language. Be aware that the content is Christian based and often tolerant to aspects ‘less’ acceptable to some Traditional Catholics.  I urge you to remain charitable and keep on going – this is a very well produced course and will help you in your struggle.
Psychologist Al Cooper said three factors play a role:
  1. It is accessible. There are literally millions of porn websites which can be accessed almost anywhere.
  2. It is affordable. Most people who view pornography only view the free material.
  3. It is anonymous. You can look at porn in the privacy of your home or office. No one has to know you are viewing it.
Like a three-legged stool, break the leg of anonymity and the allure of pornography collapses.
Now watch the introductory video
Download the 40 day Journal from Covenant Eyes
The journal is well constructed and poses you 10 questions which you chart daily using a rating of 1 – 7.  You are also required to write down one ‘good’ point for that day based on the learning points.  Minor issue may relate to 3 questions covering bible / Gospel reading – but we really should do that daily. (my observation)
So lets start 🙂
DAY 1:  Who sees your dirty laundry?
Your first step is to invite a friend or mentor to encourage you though this journey. This person will be your accountability partner.
Don’t think of an accountability partner as merely someone to whom you confess your faults and weaknesses. Think of a partner as someone who is there to remind you of the person you want to be. A good partner is not someone who can merely call you out on your sin, but someone who can call you up to the person you want to become.  Ideally, this should be someone who also receives your Covenant Eyes Accountability Reports.
Make sure you read all the associated links and keep going with it!
(The primary message you must take from this lesson is that somebody else has to be involved in your recovery.  Men of Hope can fulfill that function through Crypt Chat and 1:1 text support. I have not looked into the accountability package but it is definitely an important aspect to consider in the effective  management of your addiction.)
Yours in Jesus, Mary & Joseph
SA James

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